All the information about Motilla del Palancar in your pocket, whether you are from here or if you have come to enjoy the city for a few days, Motilla del Palancar App is your guide to Leisure, Sports, Restaurants, Accommodations and much more.Every day you will know what is happening around Motilla del Palancar, our News section is updated every day, we will also inform you of the Sports agendas and Leisure events in the city and surrounding areas.A geolocation system will tell you, within Motilla del Palancar, where you can eat or stay and even which pharmacy is open and which one is closest.You will have access to exclusive offers in the app and a list of telephone numbers of interest, as well as sections for interaction as a citizen.Receive push notifications with the most important events and notices from Motilla del Palancar. Find out about the municipal sides instantly, if a street has been blocked, if an accident has occurred, etc. And above all, enjoy Motilla!